Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Kevin Kern Always Near: A Romantic Collection CD Review

Kevin Kern has imbued a number of his classic tracks with a vitality and vigor that allows Always Near to speak volumes to anyone listening in, whether it be long-term lovebirds or those that may be new to romantic relationships.2675_AlwaysNear_mini

The titular effort Always Near is a softly-crafted track that is at the height of emotionality, where Kern is able to place a lifetime of love in four minutes. The piano’s narrative efforts provide an incredibly rich tapestry that continues through The Winding Path’s The Touch of Love. Where Always Near was on the more sedate side, there is a bold sound that is cultivated with The Touch of Love; the presence of a flute during this composition is bolstered through percussive and string elements. Where Paths Meet is a late-album effort that keeps the momentum strong through the album’s final elements. I feel that the eclectic styles and sounds that are broached during this track will ensure that listeners maintain their interest as they are shuttled into the one-two finale of Through Your Eyes (from Embracing the Wind) and Softly Falling (from The Winding Path).  Softly Falling lasts for four minutes before Always Near draws to a close, but Kern’s playing here will ensure that listeners will search out the rest of his discography.

Visit the Real Music website to purchase Always Near; the collection is also available at a wide variety of online and brick and mortar retailers. At 63 minutes, Always Near is a release that will have considerable replay value no matter whether one is meditating or enjoying the company of a loved one.

Top Tracks: Above The Clouds (from “Embracing The Wind”) and Return to Love (from “Summer Daydreams”)

Rating: 8.6/10

Kevin Kern Always Near: A Romantic Collection CD Review / 2014 Real Music / 14 Tracks / www.realmusic.com