Saturday, November 15, 2014

Twinlab Ripped Fuel Physique

Throughout the period of time in which we have covered workout and fitness supplements for NeuFutur we have reviewed a number of Twinlab products. Ripped Fuel Physique is the company’s attempt at an energy / weight loss supplement: an adult needs to take 4 capsules for a dose which will provide ample energy throughout a good portion of work or other activity. The inclusion of tyrosine, Capsimax, synephrine alkaloids, caffeine and cocoa extract into Ripped Fuel physique supplement is how the company separates the product right from the numerous other caffeine containing compounds that are currently on the market. The accumulative process that occurs with Ripped Fuel Physique is less drastic than it is with other caffeine/energy supplements on the market – one will be given the same long-lasting energy no matter where they may be at in the bottle.


The energy that is provided by Ripped Fuel physique is very clean and not jittery in the slightest: one will be able to take on heavy weights for a number of reps, reach their personal records, running on the elliptical, or to conduct themselves and a proper and productive way while still at work. Couple this product with proper diet and exercise 3-4 times a week and one should be able to notice some appreciable weight loss. Twinlab’s Ripped Fuel Physique has something for anyone that would supplement with the product. Make sure to visit Twinlab’s web site for all the information about the product inclusions in Ripped Fuel Physique, Twinlab’s promotions, and the Body Mass Index and recipe finders. Expect to spend about $20 to $30 on a bottle of Twinlab Ripped Fuel Physique; it is available from a wide array of online and brick and mortar retailers.

Rating: 9.1/10

Twinlab Ripped Fuel Physique / 96 Capsules / 24 Servings / / /