Monday, March 11, 2013

Ebel’s Weiss Beer Review


Ebel’s Weiss Beer is our introduction to Two Brothers Brewing Company, and represents an entry in the Hefeweizen style. The initial sip of the beer is bold and provides imbibers with hints of cloves, spice, and lemon. Ebel’s Weiss pours nicely, with a very thick head and lacing remaining after each sip. The mouthfeel of the beer gradually fades to allow the beer to become eminently drinkable, while the Weiss allows specific facets of an appetizer or dinner to shine. This beer is able to balance hoppiness with a lush sweetness; imbibers will be able to experience a considerable array of flavors each time that they open up a bottle.

Ebel’s Weiss Beer is an absolutely splendid take on the Hefeweizen, providing a familiarity which fans of the style will like but is cloyingly complex. We experienced the beer in bottles, but the company does produce kegs of the Ebel’s Weiss for consumption. Make sure to check out their website and Facebook for more information about their flagship efforts and seasonal releases for the remainder of 2013. Make sure to visit their Tap House in Warrenville, Illinois the next time that you find yourself in the Chicago area.

Rating: 9.1/10

Ebel’s Weiss Beer Review / Two Brothers Brewing Co. / / panel tastes german-style American-brewed beers

Ebel’s Weiss Beer Review

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