Earlier this week, The Quietus premiered a new track by a new band on Drag City. Ensemble Pearl is a new project consisting of Stephen O’Malley ( Sunn O)))), Atsuo (Boris), Michio Kurihara (Ghost) and William Herzog. Their debut release will be out March 19th. See what the Quietus had to say about Ensemble Pearl below:
“As is to be expected from such a roster, the music itself is dense, cosmic, psychedelic and possesses an instinctive ear for space and weight, evidenced by album track ‘Painting On A Corpse.’ “– The Quietus
“Rather than representing a sequel of sorts to Sunn O))) and Boris’ 2006 collaborative album Altar, Ensemble Pearl’s members seem keen to stress this is something very different. The album’s six tracks are heavy, but not in a riff-based way, instead generating intensely charged atmospheres in which individual guitar notes or drum hits can strike with what feels like momentous force.” – The Quietus
Introducing "Painting on a Corpse" new track from Ensemble Pearl's debut record
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