Hunter is looking to make himself a household name in the vein of Chris Brown, Ne*yo, or Justin Timberlake. Pressure is Hunter’s debut album, and its 12 tracks provide listeners with an intimate look into Hunter’s soul. The titular track to Pressure will tattoo its catchy harmonies into the minds and hearts of listeners, while Dancin’ Man seems to be the track that will provide Hunter with a considerable boost. When Young Hoffa is added to the equation, a controlled yet urban track in the style of R. Kelly or D’Angelo results. My Direction keeps Pressure’s wheels spinning as Hunter deftly settles into a faster, dance-oriented format (imagine Flo rida).
Prodigal Plan is where the disc truly hits its stride. This track is intimately personal, and allows listeners in briefly into the psyche of Hunter. It is this honest and earnest effort that will convert those just listening into long-term fans. Sooner or Later keeps things fresh even in the later registers of Pressure, as the pure eroticism of Hunter’s vocals are explored. There is a seductive power, a draw that allows admirers to become absolutely smitten with Hunter.
Pressure is a solid collection of tracks in an single-oriented era. The disc bounces between R&B, urban, rap, and dance music style with the greatest of ease. Hunter’s website is an invaluable reason in providing fans with the history behind Hunter and his career and information regarding his various social media outlets (make sure to add him on Twitter or Facebook). Pressure is one of those albums that is strong from beginning to end, and anyone that fancies themselves to be a fan of R&B or pop music should search out a copy.
Top Tracks: Pressure, My Direction, Clearly Chemical
Rating: 8.8/10
Hunter Pressure CD Review / 2013 Self / 12 Tracks /
Hunter Pressure CD Review
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