Kelsea Little begins Personal Myth with Blue Feather, a track that has a delightful sound. Little allows the instrumentation on this introductory effort to keep up with her effervescent and bubbly style. What results with the beginning of Personal Myth is nothing less than impressive – It Hasn’t Gone Away looks back into fifties rock just as much as it touches upon a current and contemporary singer-songwriter sound. Little’s vocals take on an instrumental feel that provides an increase to the complexity to the effort. To properly get what all Little has placed into this effort, listeners will have to spin Personal Myth a number of times. Walnuts in Peru, one of the longest tracks on Personal Myth, is a hard nut to crack. Puns aside, the complex array of styles broached by Little during this cut makes for a heady and cerebral experience for fans. I feel that much of Personal Myth can be enjoyed simply as individual efforts, but that there is much more to enjoy if listeners can sit down and focus on the album from start to finish.
Now is All We Have is an uptempo cut that blends together lively drums with a clap-track; far from left field, the track further solidifies the later registers of Little’s Personal Myth. Little’s newest can be purchased at her Bandcamp ( ); keep an eye on Little in the months and years to come. If subsequent efforts are as compelling and as fun as Personal Myth, I am sure that she will be a hot commodity in the near future.
Top Tracks: It Hasn’t Gone Away, Now is All We Have
Rating: 8.6/10
Kelsea Little Personal Myth CD Review / 2013 Self / 10 Tracks / /
Kelsea Little Personal Myth CD Review
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