Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Subjects With The Ease Grace Precision and Cleverness of Human Beings CD Review


The Subjects start off their “With The Ease” with “Speaking Parts”. The falsetto voice that marks the beginning of the track is a little pointed at times, which does not mesh perfectly with the more shoegazer sound of the instrumentation of the band. Still, the track is a solid entry into the minds of most listeners, who have not had a chance to listen to the band up to that point. The extended instrumental interlude in the middle of the song gives individuals energy to continue along the path that the disc provides. “Caught Between” is the second track, and it provides a much different tempo than “Speaking Parts” did.

The more Spartan style of The Subjects during this track moves them into a more “funky” domain, and shows that they are not afraid to move away from traditional ideas about time signatures. The act fills in the background as the track speeds along, gradually moving towards a state of chaos that is comparable to Radiohead’s “Paranoid Android”, albeit with a little more stoner-rock influence thrown in. The inclusion of a deep, more bass-like sound during “The Hounds of War” gives individuals yet another way to conceive of The Subjects. The fact that the band can work with these different styles shows their ability as musicians, as well as providing listeners with an idea of the band’s talent. This might be their first LP, but The Subjects create an album that sounds as if it was finished by a band that had four or five discs under their belt. The guitar/bass dynamic that achieves orgasmic levels towards the end of the disc just gives The Subjects that more in the way of cool points.

“Bird Song” starts off with the band assuming a much older vocal style, comparable to the fifties pop stars are imagined by nineties alternative rockers, moving into an unlikely but fun pop gem. This style continues partially during “I Could Never Tune”; with the entirety of “With The Ease Grace Precision” being quite like a grab bag, the replay value of the disc increases as individuals will not know where The Subjects are going with their next track. I will keep listening and looking for this odd-ball type of alternative rock, singing along to songs like “I Could Never Tune” for the next few months, and ensuring that I see The Subjects live whenever they come to my neck of the woods. Pick the disc up!

Top Tracks: I Could Never Tune, The Hounds of War

Rating: 7.0/10


The Subjects With The Ease Grace Precision and Cleverness of Human Beings CD Review

The Subjects With The Ease Grace Precision and Cleverness of Human Beings CD Review / Pretty Activity / 12 Tracks / /

The Subjects With The Ease Grace Precision and Cleverness of Human Beings CD Review

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