Beach 119, the documentary short film directed by MAC Presents’ Marcie Allen and Jessica Beutler, will be screened as part of Come Together: Surviving Sandy, Year 1 on Thursday, October 24th at Industry City in Brooklyn, NY. Beach 119 chronicles one street’s recovery while elsewhere everything is back to normal. Just 23.8 miles away from Manhattan, on Beach 119th Street in The Rockaways, neighbors joined together to deal with the trauma associated with cherished possessions lost. The documentary explores the story of the residents of Beach 119th Street coming together as a tribe of real life survivors, thankful to those who answered their pleas for help.
Beach 119 includes the music of Foo Fighters “Home”, Gaslight Anthem “National Anthem”, Cary Brothers “Take Your Time” and original music by Mike Mushok of Staind. All artists licensed their music for no charge in support of the cause.
Immediately following the screening, there will be panel discussion with residents of Beach 119th Street who were directly affected by Sandy and leaders of the 119th Street Angels group.
Participants on the post-screening panel will include:
Issy Sanchez, Resident of Beach 119th St
Cynthia H., Resident of Beach 119th St
Marcie Allen, Director Beach 119
Jessica Beutler, Director Beach 119
Nate Parienti, Producer Beach 119
Shannon Simpson Bevins, Writer Beach 119
Jon Heller, whose raw and powerful images are featured in Beach 119, will also have an exhibit of his Beach 119th Street photos at the screening.
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