Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Ammunition Conference Schedules Northern California Event for February 7-9, 2013

This year’s Northern California Ammunition Conference has been scheduled for February 7-9, 2013, at Capital Christian Center (9470 Micron Avenue) in Sacramento. Ammunition Conference is a traveling three-day event that combines the world’s top speakers with incredible worship teams and breakout sessions to create an experience for the pastor, student and more.

The ministry states, “Our goal is to empower generations to turn their voice into a weapon. No matter what age or demographic, Ammunition Conference will ignite a passion in your heart, revitalize your vision and help impart wisdom to change your current culture.”

The Northern California event will feature performances by Jimmy Needham, Andy Mineo and Curvine, and worship by Flyleaf’s Lacey Sturm, Ascend the Hill, Esterlyn and groundbreaking worship group Worth Dying For, who will be recording a new live album at the conference. Scheduled speakers are Russell Evans, Sam Evans, Robert Madu, Jeremy Johnson, Christy Johnson, Michael Williams and Micah Berteau.

Follow Ammunition Conference on Facebook and Twitter for daily giveaways of tickets and prizes leading up to the conference. Official conference hashtag: #AMMO2013.

Ammunition Conference:
Twitter : @iamammo
Facebook: /iamammo

Worth Dying For:
Twitter: @worthdyingfor
Facebook: /worthdyingfor

For more information, visit

Ammunition Conference Schedules Northern California Event for February 7-9, 2013

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