Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Demiurge / Antaeus Labs

The sheer amount of alertness and energy that can be felt when one begins to supplement with Demiurge is substantial. As it does not contain caffeine, Demiurge can be included alongside pre-workouts and thermogenics alike. Jitteriness is not a problem with the focus provided by Demiurge; the added energy supports drive and higher thought instead of decreasing attention span.

Demiurge is a great energy-creation product as it does not lead into a crash. Rather, the long-lasting energy provided by the supplement gradually dissipates. This allows for further supplementation with Demiurge or replacement with another energy product. I feel that Demiurge has earned a spot in the medicine cabinets of anyone that is looking to increase their personal records and get the focus that they need to successfully finish their workouts.

Pheynlpiracetam is a nootropic along with a stimulant; supplementing with Demiurge as per its instructions will allow for a substantial increase in energy and drive whenever one wants it, for whichever set of activities they enter into (working out, studying, and even staying awake). Antaeus Labs ensures that those that purchase their products know precisely what is present; make sure to purchase Demiurge before the limited supplies disappear. To purchase a bottle of Demiurge, check out the Antaeus Labs store. Bookmark the Antaeus Labs website for information about their 2013 slate of products.

Rating: 9.0/10

Demiurge / Antaeus Labs / www.antaeuslabs.comimages

Demiurge / Antaeus Labs

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