Friday, January 25, 2013

The Age of Czeslaw Milosz (DVD)


The Age of Czeslaw Milosz is an exhaustive documentary on the titular poet, a Nobel Prize-winner that experience tremendous trouble and strife during eir life. After leaving from the yoke of Nazi oppression, Milosz lived in Paris and the United States. Along the way, Milosz wrote perhaps eir magnum opus, The Captive Mind. This documentary paces itself well, providing viewers with ample information about Milosz’s formative years. The bulk of the feature focuses on Milosz’s years, including first-hand discussions of eir relevancy and overall impact.

The Age of Czeslaw Milosz is a documentary that will be germane to anyone that is interested in twentieth-century European poets, but the stories and narratives described here will make this a title that even laypeople can appreciate. The overall effect of The Age of Czeslaw Milosz should be to inspire viewers to take further steps to improve their own lives; Milosz’s life seems to be made of the stuff of the tallest tales. In between forced emigration and educating generations of Americans, Milosz was able to craft some amazing poetry.

Make sure to check out the Facets website for more information about their available titles and their slate of films for 2013. Whether one is an educator or an interested party, Facets’ releases will provide vital education or entertainment. The prices that they charge for these releases is a small fraction of what other film houses would assess, while there is the same rigor of scholarship that should be required for any AP or higher-level (undergraduate or graduate) course. The Age of Czeslaw Milosz is one of the best documentaries that we have seen so far in 2013; seek it out today.

Rating: 8.9/10


The Age of Czeslaw Milosz (DVD) / 185 Minutes / www.Facets.org41pAGGkpuDL._SL500_AA300_

The Age of Czeslaw Milosz (DVD)

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