Thursday, January 22, 2015


Ommegang has released their winter seasonal, Adoration.  Adoration pours with a dark brown with hints of red; the head dissipates quickly as it continues to lace down the glass.12oz-Adoration

What I found most alluring with Adoration has to be the little bit of carbonation that is present. Many high-ABV efforts are smooth and silken, but the presence of a slight amount of bubbliness adds considerable twists and turns to this effort. Couple the carbonation with the wide amount of spices that one can discern – there are bits of coriander, clove, orange peel, and ginger that all can quickly be picked out from each beer. There is a spiced side that works well, but I feel that the more fig / dark fruit elements that become evident at points are where Adoration shines the brightest. There is a decent amount of sweetness that is here, but it works alongside the boosted ABV to make something that is balanced perfectly while still getting imbibers to a place that they would like to be after a beer or two.

The beer is a mind-wolloping 10% but is able to hide any sharp alcohol notes well through the [presence of a bold set of flavors. The beer opens up nicely, showcasing a different set of flavors with subsequent quaffs. Make it a point to visit the Ommegang website for additional information about Adoration, the brewery’s other seasonal efforts, and pick up your very own four-pack from your local beer store.

Rating: 8.9/10


Adoration / Ommegang / 10.0% ABV /