Saturday, January 18, 2014

Alaskan ESB Beer Review


The beer pours with a very bright copper color. The head that pours from the bomber is fairly substantial and with a slight off-white tone. An initial mouthfeel is fairly substantial and provides imbibers with a slight amount of carbonation; the light bubbly touch allows for a much greater gradient of flavors to be present in the ESB. The nose of the ESB links together hops with a sweet blend of sugar and fruits; I would strongly suggest the ESB for anyone that has not previously familiarized themselves with the style.

As the beer continues to warm up, the specific constellation of flavors and facets shifts slightly. As the hop side of things ramp up, imbibers will be able to discern the nuanced bitter effects of the beer, allowing for nuttier and toffee touches to present themselves. the beer remains constant throughout the entirety of each bottle; I feel that a single bottle should be enough to get a night started off right, while additional bottles would be the perfect touch for the longer sessions that may present themselves. Visit the Alaskan Brewing website for more information about the brewery’s efforts, past, present and future.

Rating: 8.9/10

Alaskan ESB Beer Review / 5.0% ABV /