The beer pours with a dark brown, along with an off-white head that sticks around long after the initial pour. The beer has hints of cocoa, coffee, and malt; a slight sweetness creeps through that makes for a very balanced effort. The slight bit of alcohol that is present here provides an additional level of complexity; imbibers will be able to discern a different constellation of flavors and nuances with each sip of Pipeline. As the beer warms up, the coffee is able to take a much more central position in the front of the beer. While there are some deeper and richer tastes to be had with Pipeline, I like the fact that the mouthfeel dissipates rapidly – one’s palette will be refreshed for each subsequent sip they have in Pipeline.
Make sure to check out the Kona Brewing Company’s website for more information about their product lineup and the locations at which one can pick up the company’s beer. Pipeline is an effort that is absolutely perfect for anyone that is looking to keep warm during the cold winter months; look for it at your local beer store.
Rating: 8.6/10
Pipeline Porter / Kona Brewing Company / 5.3% ABV /
Pipeline Porter Review
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