This clear rum does for rum what Cabo Wabo did for tequila. There is a crispness that goes nicely with a sugary, toasted flavor. Fruit notes, linking together banana, coconut, and even guava, provide greater nuance to each mixed drink and shot. Where rank and file rum simply works better in mixed drinks, Sammy’s Beach Bar Rum is a perfect sipping spirit for the days by the pool. When placing the Sammy’s Beach Bar Rum into a mixed drink, one will be provided with a bold and delectable drink. We were pleasantly surprised when we made Lava Flows (Beach Bar Rum, coconut rum, strawberries, banana, pineapple juice and coconut cream); there was a slight spicy feel that permeated throughout each sip.
Sammy’s Beach Bar Rum is able to shine in any format, representing a considerably more nuanced and intense set of flavors than are present in any sort of mass-market rum. The stuff will make a Long Island Iced Tea memorable, while throwing it into a rum & Coke will breathe new life into this also-ran. I would wholeheartedly suggest taste-testing the rum at room temperature and in a chilled state; there is a decidedly different bent to Sammy’s Beach Bar Rum as one varies the state of the spirit.
Sammy’s Beach Bar Rum can be purchased at any well-stocked liquor store for around $20-25. Let us know what you, our NeuFutur readers, think of the spirit.
Rating: 9.1/10
Sammy’s Beach Bar Rum Review / 80 Proof / www.sammysbeachbarrum.comSammy’s Beach Bar Rum Review
Sammy’s Beach Bar Rum Review
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