Rivertown’s Divergent beer pours with a straw yellow and a decent amount of effervescence, with absolutely nothing in the way of head. There is a small nose to Divergent that is a slight bit winey/grape-heavy. With the initial sip, there is a refreshing sweetness and a small sour twang at the end of the body.
Rivertown is able to create a true to form Berliner Weisse and give it enough in the way of twists and turns to keep it interesting from the beginning to the end of a bottle. Where some sours require the imbiber to take the smallest of pulls from the bottle, one can drink Divergent like an everyday lager. The smaller ABV makes this effort into the perfect sessionable brew, with a solid set of flavors that keep individuals interested from beginning to end.
What Rivertown does with this beer is create something that fans of the sour styles can appreciate, while those new to the format can gently ease into more sour efforts after taking Divergent by the horns. The beer is eclectic and will yield hints of orange, grapefruit, and grape, but the smaller IBU (10) of Divergent does not clutter up the body of the beer. This is a crisp, clean effort and one that I would gladly tip back as spring continues to warm up into the summer months. This is a current and contemporary lawnmowing beer for those that are dreadfully bored with the macro efforts currently cluttering shelves. For more information about Divergent and the rest of Rivertown’s efforts, visit rivertownbrewery.com . If you are in Cincinnati, the brewery’s taproom is comfortable and incredibly friendly. Keep an eye out for our Soulless coverage while checking Rivertown’s Facebook for the latest in information about the company.
Rating: 8.6/10
Divergent / 3.8% ABV / Sour Ale / Rivertown / rivertownbrewery.com/
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